Coconut Sap

Also Known As : Neera


Taste Profile

It has a mild sweet taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Coconut sap can be served as a beverage. It can be used as an ingredient in coconut crystals, teriyaki and garlic sauces, coconut vinegar and coconut nectar.

Common names and forms

  1. Coconut Blossom Nectar
  2. Coconut Syrup
  3. Organic Granulated Coconut Flower Blossom Nector


Coconut Sap is a juice obtained by tapping the unopened spadix of the coconut palm. It is translucent in color and is extracted from the mature coconut palms, generally before the sunrise.

Health benefits

  • Coconut sap is a good source of minerals like potassium that helps in electrolyte balance and regulating high blood pressure levels.(1)
  • It is rich in vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant for immune system protection.(1)
  • It has a low glycemic index that helps to lower glucose levels in diabetic patients.(1)
  • It has a nearly neutral pH level that maintains alkaline balance in the body.(1)
  • It is rich in Inositol (B-vitamin) which is effective in depression, inflammation, and high cholesterol.(1)

Selection Guide

Go for fresh coconut sap as it is susceptible to natural fermentation within a few hours of extraction, at ambient temperature.

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