Colocasia leaves

Also Known As : Arbi patta, Taro leaves
Technical Name : Colocasia esculenta


Taste Profile

They have a mild, nutty flavour when cooked.

Usage Tips

  1. Colocasia leaves must be boiled before use.
  2. They can be steamed, sauteed or fried.
  3. They can be used in Maharashtrian and Gujarati cuisine in preparations like paatra and wadi.

Common names and forms

  1. Allu patta


Colocasia leaves are edible leaves of tropical plant, Colocasia in the family Araceae, widely grown in Southeast Asia and Southern India. The leaves are smooth, heart shaped and deep-green in color with long stems.

Health benefits

  • Colocasia leaves are a good source of vitamin C that has potent anticancer effects.(1)
  • They are rich in vitamin A which helps in good vision and prevents age-related macular degeneration.(1)
  • Dietary fibre present in colocasia leaves aid in digestion and treat digestive problems.(1)
  • They contain riboflavin, vitamin B6, niacin and thiamine that helps to protect nervous system.(1)
  • They contain ethanol extract that prevents diabetes which further prevents kidney damage, nerve damage and heart disease.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for fresh, bright green Colocasia leaves. Avoid if the leaves are limp and not firm.


Oxalate content present in Colocasia leaves can form kidney stones. Colocasia leaves can also cause allergic reactions like redness, itching and irritation on the skin.(2)

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