Colour (155)

Also Known As : Brown HT, Chocolate Brown HT, Food Brown 3


Usage Tips

  1. Colour (155) can be used as a food coloring agent in chocolate cakes. It can also be added to yogurts, jams, milk and cheeses, fruit products and fish.


Colour (155) is a brown or chocolate coloured synthetic azo dye which is used as a food colorant. It is usually produced from coal tar or petroleum. It is approved to be used by the European Union and has E number E155. It can be used as a substitute for caramel and cocoa as a colorant.


Consumption of colour (155) may worsen symptoms of asthma. It can also cause adverse effects in those allergic to aspirin and irritation to the skin. Those who are allergic to salicylates may also be allergic to E155, being an azo dye.(1)

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