Cream of Tartar

Also Known As : Potassium bitartrate, Potassium hydrogen tartrate


Taste Profile

It has a sour taste, however excessive usage might lead to bitter flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. Cream of tartar can be used to make cookies, cakes, pies.
  2. It can also be used with baking soda to give a rise to baked goods in absence of baking powder.
  3. When added to sugary foods, it prevents the sugar syrups from crystallizing, by causing some of the sucrose to break down into glucose and fructose.
  4. A pinch of cream of tartar also helps stabilize whipped cream to prevent it from deflating.


Cream of tartar is a dry, powdery, acidic byproduct that is formed as result of fermenting grapes into wine. During the fermenting process while wine making, a layer of tartaric acid forms on the inside surface of wine caskets leaving a white sediment behind. This sediment is then removed and grounded into a fine white powdery substance, known as cream of tartar. So technically speaking, cream of tartar is just tartaric acid. It's a harmless and edible acid just similar to lemon or vinegar and is often used in baking or in cleaning. Aside from its culinary applications, it can also be used as a part of natural remedies, particularly as a purgative.

Health benefits

  • Cream of Tartar is effective to soothe the symptoms of heartburn.(1)

Selection Guide

Always read the labels and packaging before buying cream of tartar,. Make sure it has not expired.


Cream of tartar contains excess amount of potassium which can cause hyperkalemia. Its diuretic properties can cause dehydration.(2)

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