Crushed Roasted Peanuts


Taste Profile

They have a sweet, nutty taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Crushed Roasted Peanuts can be used in crunchy peanut butter.
  2. They can also be sprinkled over salads and desserts like peanut brittle.
  3. They can be used to make sauces such as satay.


Peanuts are the legume in the form of small, oval seeds that originated in South America. They are unshelled and roasted until they turn light brown in color. They can be coarsely crushed using a grinder or by applying firm pressure on them.

Selection Guide

When buying readymade crushed roasted peanuts, look for the expiration date on the packaging and also make sure there is no evidence of moisture in it. For making crushed roasted peanuts at home go for good quality peanuts. When buying shelled peanuts, make sure the shells are free from dark spots, cracks and insect damage. When buying unshelled peanuts, make sure they don't smell musty or rancid.

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