
Taste Profile

It has spicy taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Curry powder can be added to vegetable curries and stir-fries.
  2. It can also be used to flavour soups, stews, sauces and marinades.
  3. It can be blended with sour cream or yogurt to make quick dip.


Curry powder is a blend of herbs and seeds in the form of bright golden yellow to toasty brown colored powder.The commonly used spices in the curry powder include turmeric, sweet basil, fenugreek, red and black pepper, mace, nutmeg, red chillies, cardamom, cinnamon, tamarind, sesame seeds, turmeric, cloves, saffron and coriander. It has musky aroma.

Health benefits

  • Curry powder helps to reduce cognitive decline and prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.(1)
  • Turmeric in curry powder has anti-inflammatory qualities that helps to decrease joint inflammation and deterioration.(1)
  • Curcumin in it also helps to fight against liver diseases and excess liver toxicity.(1)
  • It helps to boost bone health and prevent osteoporosis.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose curry powder from a reliable brand to ensure good quality.Also check for the "use-by" date on the packaging to ensure its freshness.

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