
Usage Tips

  1. Defatted Cocoa can be used in baked goods like cakes, pastries and biscuits, macarons and meringues.

Common names and forms

  1. Fat-reduced Cocoa


Defatted Cocoa is a low fat cocoa powder with less than 1% cocoa butter. It has a naturally dark, brown colored powder that balances cocoa and dark chocolate flavor with a strong aroma. It is used as a substitute to regular cocoa powder, ideal for low-calorie applications and fitness diets. It reduces the risk of fat blooming in coatings and spreads.

Selection Guide

Go for defatted cocoa with no added preservatives, artificial coloring or flavoring.

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"Information here is provided for discussion and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or product or ingredient review/rating. The information may not apply to you and before you use or take any action, you should contact the manufacturer, seller, medical, dietary, fitness or other professional. If you utilize any information provided here, you do so at your own risk and you waive any right against Culinary Communications Private Limited, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees or representatives.”