Dehydrated Radish

Also Known As : Dried radish
Technical Name : Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus


Usage Tips

  1. Dehydrated Radish can be served as chips with some sprinkled salt and pepper.
  2. They can be added to salads and sandwiches.
  3. They can be sprinkled upon tacos, when in shredded form.
  4. When powdered, dehydrated radish can be added to sauces.


Dehydrated Radish is the dried, slices of radish that have been placed in the dehydrator at 135 degrees until hard and crisp.

Selection Guide

Look for completely dry and crispy dehydrated radish in the slices form. Check for the manufacturing and expiry date on its packaging to make sure it has not expired for use.

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