Dried Goji Berries


Taste Profile

They have a mild sweetness and are slightly chewy.

Usage Tips

  1. Dried Goji Berries can be added to smoothies, yogurt, salads, oatmeal, baked goods, desserts, and sweet sauces.
  2. They can be eaten raw and cooked. They can be used in both sweet and savory recipes.
  3. Dried goji berries should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  4. Make sure to keep them away from moisture to prevent them from clumping.

Common names and forms

  1. Certified Organic Dried Goji Berries
  2. Whole Dried Goji Berries


Goji berry is the fruit of trees belonging to the nightshade family.They are most often sold in dried form. When ripe,these berries are picked carefully or shaken from the tree into trays to avoid spoiling. Then they are are preserved by drying them in the sun on open trays or by mechanical dehydration. Dried Goji Berries are bright orange–red in color. They look like slightly oversized red raisins. Goji berries are native to Asia and are used in Asian cuisine.

Health benefits

  • Dried Goji Berries help to reduce cholesterol.(1)
  • They improve eye vision.(1)
  • They help to improve fertility.(1)
  • They also help to improve memory and recalling ability.(1)
  • They strengthen muscles and bones.(1)

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