Dry Red Chilli Flakes

Also Known As : Red chilli pepper flakes


Taste Profile

It has a spicy taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Dry Red Chilli Flakes can be added to savoury foods like stews, curries, pizzas, pastas, salads and creamy sauces.
  2. They can also be sprinkled over vegetables and casseroles.

Common names and forms

  1. Chilli Titbit
  2. Chilly flake
  3. Chilly flakes
  4. Dried Chilli Flakes


Dry Red Chilli Flakes is a condiment prepared by dried and crushed red chilli peppers that are coarsely ground. The flakes are small with bright red color.

Selection Guide

Check for the "use-by" date on the packaging of Dry Red Chilli Flakes. Make sure they are free from dust and debris and there is no hint of moisture in them.

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