Elephant apple

Also Known As : Chulta
Technical Name : Dillenia indica


Taste Profile

It has bitter and sour taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Elephant apple can be added to pickles, they can be made into jams, jellies etc.
  2. It is also used in dal and fish recipes.
  3. It can be used in ice creams, milkshakes and mousse.


Elephant apple grows on an evergreen shrub, it is a hard large fruit and is greenish yellow in colour.

Health benefits

  • Elephant apple helps in regulating blood pressure levels as it contains potassium.(1)
  • It contains Vitamin A that helps to prevent eye diseases.(1)
  • Vitamin C present in it helps to fight with infections and provides strong immunity.(1)
  • It helps to protect against kidney and stomach related disorders.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose fully ripe and firm elephant apple yellow-green in color. Avoid if it has any spots or blemishes on its skin.

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