Elephant Foot Yam

Also Known As : Whitespot giant arum, Suran, Zamikand, Chena, Gedde, kanda gadda, Jimikand, Zimikand
Technical Name : Amorphophallus paeoniifolius


Taste Profile

It has an earthy flavour with a mild sweetness.

Usage Tips

  1. Scrub and cook elephant foot yam before eating.
  2. It can be stored upto 10 days in cool, dark place with some good ventilation.
  3. It must not be kept in a plastic bag to maintain their freshness. It must not be exposed to sunlight as it may cause it to ferment or sprout.
  4. It can be boiled, steamed, fried, baked or mashed. It can be used as a substitute for potatoes in dishes.
  5. It can be eaten as a curry and can also be pickled along with some green chillies, mustard oil and spices.
  6. Chunks of elephant foot yam can be added to roasted vegetables and served as a side dish. It can be used to make a masala dish called
  7. It can be used to prepare a Rajasthani side dish

Common names and forms

  1. Jimikand
  2. Suran
  3. Zimikand



Elephant Foot Yam is a tropical tuber crop that belongs to the family Araceca in the genus Amorphophallus. It is a single-stalked, flowering plant with an edible bulb or corm. The bulb is almost 30 cms wide and 20 cms tall. It can be tapered, oblong or round in shape with dark-brown to black colored, thick, bark-like skin. Its inside reveals starchy, potato-like, beige colored flesh. It is primarily grown in Southeast Asia, Africa, South Asia, and the tropical Pacific islands. It is considered as one of the most profitable tuber crops cultivated in India because of its shade tolerance, high productivity, steady demand and easiness in cultivation. It has two varieties in India namely, Sree Padma and Gagendra. The tubers along with their tender stems and leaves are used as a vegetable. It is available year around with a peak season in the late fall. It is a nutritionally dense vegetable that can be eaten baked, fried, boiled or pickled.

Health benefits

  • Lowers Cholesterol levels: Elephant Foot Yam contains Omega-3 fatty acids that helps to increase good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body.(1)
  • Prevents heart attacks: It acts as an anticoagulant that helps in relieving the clots formed in veins and arteries. It is helpful in reducing the risks of heart attacks.(1)
  • Prevents Cancer: It contains a compound called Diosgenin that helps in preventing the formation of cancerous cells in the body.(1)
  • Estrogen Balance: Elephant Foot Yam helps to raise estrogen levels in women to maintain hormonal levels and helps to reduce the symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome like abdominal pain and cramps.(1)
  • Improves brain functioning: Omega-3 fatty acids and other essential minerals in it like selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc helps in improving brain functioning.(1)
  • Control diabetes: Elephant Foot Yam is beneficial for diabetic patients as it has a low glycemic index, which indicates that it raises blood sugar slowly.(1)
  • Slow down ageing: It contains powerful antioxidants and Vitamin C that helps to slow down ageing process by making skin wrinkle-free and blemish-free.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for firm Elephant Foot Yam, heavy for its size with no bruises, soft spots or cracks on the skin. Avoid Elephant Foot Yam stored in the refrigerated section as cold temperature may affect its taste.


Consumption of elephant foot yam can cause itching sensation in their mouth and throat as the vegetable is quite itchy in nature.(2)

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