Emulsifier mono and diglyceride of vegetable


Usage Tips

  1. Emulsifier mono and diglyceride of vegetable can be used in packaged, processed and frozen foods to improve texture and stability, extend shelf life and prevent oil from seperating. It can be used in baked goods to slow the staling process. It can be added to soft drinks, candy, gum, whipped cream, baked goods, icecreams, margarine and shortening.


Emulsifier mono and diglyceride of vegetable are synthetic fats produced from glycerol and natural fatty acids from vegetables fats and oil(soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, canola or rapeseed). It can be used as food additive in the form of emulsifier to prevent water and oil from separating. It can be used in packaged and processed foods.


Emulsifier mono and diglyceride of vegetable are high in trans fat that may cause obesity and inflammation. It may also raise LDL cholesterol levels and lower HDL cholesterol levels.(1)

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