Emulsifiers (INS 339(iii))

Also Known As : Trisodium phosphate


Common names and forms

  1. Acidity Regulator [INS 339(iii)]
  2. Emulsifiers (INS 339 iii)
  3. Stabilizer (339 (iii)
  4. Stabilizer (INS 339(iii))
  5. Stabilizer E339(iii)
  6. Trisodium Phosphate


INS 339(iii) is the sodium salt of phosphoric acid. It is an inorganic compound in the form of white, granular or crystalline solid, highly soluble in water. It can be produced commercially from phosphoric acid, which is produced from phosphate mined in the US. It can be used as emulsifier, acidity regulator, stabilizer and leavening agent in foods.


Excessive consumption of INS 339(iii) can raise phosphate levels in the body which can lead to heart disease, kidney issues, decreased bone density, premature aging and even early death.(1)

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