Flavour Enhancer (INS 629)

Also Known As : Calcium guanylate


Taste Profile

It has umami taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Flavour Enhancer (INS 629) can be used in savoury rice, tinned vegetables, cured meats, instant noodles, packet soups and potato chips.


Flavour Enhancer (INS 629) is the calcium salt of guanylic acid(a natural acid which is a part of RNA, one of the genetic carrier molecules in the cell). It can also be prepared commercially from yeast extract or sardines. It is used as a food additive in the form of flavour enhancer in food products and has the E number E629.

Selection Guide

Check for the expiry date while purchasing


Flavour Enhancer (INS 629) should be avoided by asthmatic people. It must not be consumed by people suffering from gout as guanylate is metabolized to purines. (1)

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