Freeze-Dried Raspberries

Also Known As : Frozen raspberries


Taste Profile

It has sweet and tart taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Freeze-dried raspberries can be rehydrated and added to yogurt, ice-cream and cereals.
  2. It can be eaten raw as well.
  3. It can used to make jams and jellies too.


Freeze-dried raspberries are dehydrated by removing moisture from fresh raspberries but retaining their flavour. They are dehydrated using a low temperature in a vacuum. They can be stored for long term and rehydrated when required to use.

Health benefits

  • Freeze-dried raspberries contain Vitamin C.(1)
  • It also contains manganese that contributes to bone health.(1)
  • Fibre content present in these berries helps to regulate digestive function.(1)
  • It also promotes healthy immune system.(1)
  • It is helpful to fight with cancer cells and reduces inflammation.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose the fresh and ripen raspberries to freeze. Check the "best before" date on the package when buying it from market.

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