
Also Known As : Blue ginger, Thai ginger
Technical Name : Alpinia galanga


Taste Profile

It has an earthy, citrus and piney flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Galangal can be used in soups and curries to add flavour to them.
  2. It pairs well with coconut milk, lemograss and kaffir lime leaves.

Common names and forms

  1. Greader Galangal


Galangal is a herb from the ginger family which is used as a spice in Asian cuisines. It is pale yellow or white in colour. It looks like ginger root and turmeric.

Health benefits

  • Galangal has anti-cancer properties which can treat melanoma, hepatoma and colon cancer.(1)
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties can treat arthritis, gout, irritable bowel syndrome and headaches.(1)
  • It contains vitamin C which boosts immune system.(1)
  • It can help to reduce the risk of diabetes and coronary heart diseases.(1)
  • Galangal is beneficial for brain health as it can prevent neurodegenerative disease.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose galangal that is firm, orangish brown in colour and has no soft spots.


Pregnant women should not consume galangal. People having chronic digestive tract should also avoid consuming galangal.(2)

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