Garcinia Cambogia

Also Known As : Red mango, Malabar tamarind, pot tamarind, brindal berry, gambooge, kokum butter oil tree.
Technical Name : Garcinia Gummi-Gutta


Taste Profile

It has a citrus taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Garcinia cambogia extract is used to add tangy flavour to curries in place of lemon and tamarind.

Common names and forms

  1. Cambogia
  2. Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  3. Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract
  4. Garcinia Cambogia Pure Extract
  5. Garcinia gummi-gutta
  6. Garcinia Juice
  7. Kudampuli (Gambooge)
  8. Organic Brindle Berry Whole


Garcinia cambogia fruit is a small, pumpkin-shaped, yellow or greenish fruit. The fruit is sour, that it is generally not eaten fresh but rather used in cooking. Garcinia cambogia is grown in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and parts of Africa. Garcinia Cambogia has been used for centuries in Ayurveda. 


Health benefits

  1. Research has found that garcinia Cambogia suppresses appetite and makes you feel full. Its mechanism is not known fully, but research suggests that the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia can increase serotonin in the brain. Since serotonin is a known appetite suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could reduce your appetite. (1)

  2. Garcinia cambogia supplement enhances athletic ability. Studies found that consuming garcinia supplement or HCA may increase endurance levels during exercise and stop people feeling exhausted too quickly. (1)

  3. Garcinia Cambogia Promotes weight loss and improves blood triglyceride levels, it may also help to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. As it reduces inflammation, improves blood sugar balance, and control, increases the insulin sensitivity. (1)

Selection Guide

Check the expiration date of garcinia cambogia extract on the label to make sure it has not expired.


Garcinia cambogia consumption may cause nausea, headache and indigestion.(2)

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