Garden Cress Seed

Also Known As : Haleem
Technical Name : Lepidium sativum


Taste Profile

It has a peppery and tangy flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Garden cress seeds can be slightly roasted with salt and added to salads.
  2. These seeds can be soaked in water and can be added to milk and juices.

Common names and forms

  1. Cress Seeds
  2. Halim Seeds
  3. Halim seeds ( garden cress seeds)


Garden cress seeds are edible related to the family of watercress, mustard. Green cress plant produces white flowers and small seed pods. All parts of garden cress such as leaves, stems and seeds are edible.

Health benefits

  • Garden cress seeds act as an expectorant that helps in treating cough and sore throat.(1)
  • The seeds contain high levels of iron which helps in improving Hemoglobins levels.(1)
  • Consuming garden cress seeds regularly helps in regularizing the bowel movements.(1)
  • Garden cress seeds also help to regulate the menstruation cycle.(1)
  • These seeds are good to treat skin problems such as sunburns, irritated skin and dry skin, by applying green cress seeds paste mixed with honey.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for garden cress seeds that are firm and without any stones, dust or debris.


Garden cress seeds contain mustard oil which can cause gastrointestinal problems in some people. Pregnant women should avoid consuming green cress seeds as they can stimulate uterine contractions and abortion.(2)

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