
Taste Profile

It has a very strong, pungent taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Garlic juice can be used for marinating meats and vegetables.
  2. It can also be used in making herbal drinks.


Garlic juice is made by pressing or juicing garlic cloves that comes from the plant Allium Sativum. The juice is retained and all the matter is removed from it. It has yellowish color tone.

Health benefits

  • Antioxidants present in it reduces the signs of skin aging, improve coloration and prevents infections.(1)
  • It helps in treating acne.(1)
  • It helps in strengthening the hair, prevents hair loss.(1)
  • It contains anti bacterial, anti fungal and antioxidant properties which helps in boosting the immune system of the body.(1)
  • It helps in overcoming impotence and increases sperm count.(1)
  • It helps in boosting circulation in body.(1)
  • It is a natural blood thinner.(1)
  • It helps in lowering cholesterol levels and boosts heart health.(1)
  • Allicin present in garlic juice can help lower the blood pressure of those suffering from hypertension.(1)
  • It helps in preventing the development of cancer cells.(1)
  • It helps in clearing respiratory infections and reduce inflammation.(1)
  • It helps in clearing sore throat.(1)
  • It helps in preventing asthma when consumed with honey on a daily basis.(1)
  • It helps in relieving the pain caused by insect bite when applied on the affected area.(1)
  • It can cure encephalitis.(1)
  • It can treat fungal infection like athletes foot.(1)

Selection Guide

Garlic juice be made fresh for consumption. If buying pre packaged garlic juice from store, always check for the expiration date and make sure there is no foul smell.


It should be avoided before surgery as it can cause bleeding disorder. Consuming it on empty stomach can cause irritation in stomach and may cause diarrhea, nausea and cramping. It may cause allergies in those who are allergic to garlic.(2)

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"Information here is provided for discussion and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or product or ingredient review/rating. The information may not apply to you and before you use or take any action, you should contact the manufacturer, seller, medical, dietary, fitness or other professional. If you utilize any information provided here, you do so at your own risk and you waive any right against Culinary Communications Private Limited, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees or representatives.”