
Taste Profile

It has sweet, sour and peppery flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Ginger ale can be consumed directly.
  2. It can be mixed with various alcoholic spirits as well and served.

Common names and forms

  1. Gingerale


Ginger ale is a carbonated drink which is flavoured with artificial flavours or natural. It is a non-alcoholic beverage that originated in Ireland.

Health benefits

  • Ginger ale is effective to relieve gastrointestinal distress.(1)
  • Ginger ale has antiemetic and anti-inflammatory properties which help to relieve excess flatulence, bloating and cramping as well.(1)

Selection Guide

Check for the "Use-by" date on the packaging of ginger ale.


Excess consumption of ginger ale can cause heartburn, bloating and gas. People with intestinal diseases and gallstones should consult their doctors before consuming ginger ale.(2)

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