Ginger Extract

Technical Name : Zingiber officinale


Taste Profile

It has a fresh and spicy flavor with a pungent aftertaste.

Common names and forms

  1. Natural Ginger Extract


Ginger extract is obtained from the peeled ginger rhizome. It can be easily obtained at home, place one-fourth of the ginger in a food processor. Process it until fine paste forms, and remove from the blender. Repeat the procedure with the remaining ginger. Place the ginger paste in a fine sieve over a bowl, pressing with the back of a spoon to extract the juice. Discard the paste and now all the leftover is your ginger extract.

Selection Guide

For pure ginger extract, it is always better to buy whole ginger and then make an extract at home. Otherwise, while buying processed extract make sure to check "use by" date.

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