Ginger Oleoresin


Taste Profile

It has a pungent taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Ginger Oleoresin can be used for flavoring baked goods such as cakes and bread, confectioneries, sweets, carbonated soft drinks and other beverages.


Ginger Oleoresin is a prepared oleoresin, produced by extraction of the dried and unpeeled rhizome of Zingiber Officinale, ground to a coarse powder. It is mostly by obtained extraction with an organic solvent, acetone, and ethanol by steam distillation, producing a free-flowing, dark-brown thick oil with the pungent and characteristic aroma of fresh ginger aroma. It is used as a flavoring agent in food industry, as a substitute to fresh ginger.

Selection Guide

While purchasing ginger oleoresin, choose the natural and organic kind, by opting a trusting brand to avoid any adulteration.

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