
Taste Profile

It has spicy, pungent taste with mild sweetness.

Usage Tips

  1. Gochujang can be used as an condiment to add spicy flavour to sauces, soups, braises and marinades.
  2. It can be mixed with sour cream and mayonnaise to use in sandwiches and tacos.

Common names and forms

  1. Gouchjong


Gochujang is a fermented chilli and soyabean paste, originated in Korea. It is prepared with gochugaru, fermented soybeans, ground glutinous rice and salt. It has deep-red velvety texture and is widely used in Korean cuisines.

Health benefits

  • Gochujang contains capsaicin that boosts metabolism, suppress appetite and reduces weight.(1)
  • It acts as a probiotic and improves gut health.(1)
  • It helps to reduce cholesterol levels.(1)
  • It helps to increase metabolism and promotes a healthy heart.(1)

Selection Guide

Check for the "best before" date on the packaging of Gochujang.


Gochujang consumption might cause stomach ache, heartburn and burning in the mouth. It must also be avoided by those who are allergic to chili peppers.(2)

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