Green Papaya

Also Known As : Raw papaya
Technical Name : Carica papaya


Taste Profile

It has subtle sweet flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Green papaya can be grated into salads.

Common names and forms

  1. Raw Papaya
  2. Raw papaya pulp
  3. Raw Papaya Solids


Green papaya is  a pear-shaped fruit with green skin outside and pale translucent yellow-green flesh inside. It has the texture and consistency similar to that of a mango. It is native to Central America.

Health benefits

  • Green Papaya helps to fight against skin infections and wounds.(1)
  • It helps to treat menstrual pain.(1)
  • It has anti-amoebic and anti-parasitic properties that helps to treat indigestion.(1)
  • It controls blood pressure levels in the body and protects against heart disease.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose firm green papaya, free from soft spots and blemishes.

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