Gum Arabic

Also Known As : Acacia Gum, Kordofan Gum, Gum Senegal, Acacia Vera, Gummi Africanum, Gummae Mimosae, kher, Sudan Gum Arabic, Somali Gum, Yellow Thorn, Mogadore Gum, Indian Gum and Australian Gum


Taste Profile

Gum Arabic has a bland taste and no odour.

Usage Tips

  1. Gum Arabic is used in products like soft drinks, desserts, in canned and frozen food.
  2. It helps prevent crystallization in sugary foods like icing, soft candy, chewing gum and other confectionery.

Common names and forms

  1. Acacia Gum
  2. Acacia Gum (E414)
  3. Acacia Powder (E414)
  4. Arabic Gum
  5. E414
  6. Edible Glaze (E414)
  7. Emulsifier (414)
  8. Emulsifier (Acacia Gum)
  9. Emulsifier (E-1414)
  10. Emulsifier (E414)
  11. Emulsifiers (INS414)
  12. Emulsifying Agents E414
  13. Emulsifying And Stabilizing Agent (INS 414)
  14. Gum Arabic (INS 414)
  15. Natural plant gum
  16. Stabiliser (414)
  17. Stabiliser (INS 414)
  18. Stabiliser 414
  19. Stabiliser: Gum Arabic (E414)
  20. Stabilizers E 414
  21. Thickener gum Arabic
  22. Thickening agent 414
  23. Vachellia Nilotica Gum


Gum arabic, also popularly known as acacia gum, is a gum produced from the dried sap of many species of acacia trees. The most important ones being Acacia nilotica, Senegalia (Acacia) senegal and Vachellia (Acacia) seyal. The hardened sap of the acacia plant is collected during the rainy season by making holes into the bark of the Acacia tree and collecting its sap. This gum is processed and is ready to be sold by the beginning of the month of November. Gum arabic was first used in Egypt on mummies to seal bandage wrappings. Ancient Greeks used it to relieve pain from blisters, burns and to stop nose bleeds. Now-a-days, Gum arabic is used in the food industry as an emulsifier, stabilizer and thickening agent in various food products. It is mainly manufactured in Sudan, Nigeria, and Chad with Sudan being the largest single producer.

Health benefits

  • Gum Arabic has a sticky texture which helps reduce irritation and inflammation in the stomach and throat.(1)
  • It is excellent for oral health as it helps clean plaque and prevents gingivitis when used in toothpaste or mouthwash.(1)
  • It is a very good source of fibre that aids good digestion but also regulates cholesterol levels.(1)
  • Its regular intake helps in fat loss and consequently brings a reduction in weight.(1)

Selection Guide

Gum Arabic is sold in powder form or in gum form, choose as per one's requirement.  


Overconsumption of Gum arabic may cause gas, bloating, cramps and constipation.(2)

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