
Also Known As : Gunda, lasoda, Fragrant Manjack, Labeda, Lasora,Indian Cherry,Bird Lime
Technical Name : Cordia dichotoma


Taste Profile

It has sour taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Gumberries are widely consumed in the form of vegetable curries.
  2. It is added to many Andhra based cuisisnes to add a sour flavor.
  3. These berries are fit to be stored at room temperature, unless very ripe.
  4. It is used for mkaing chutneys which can be served with rice or South Indian dishes.

Common names and forms

  1. Gunda


Gum berry is a wild fruit found in different parts of Sindh. This fruit is considered an important source of minerals, fibre, vitamins and other anti-oxidants, providing essential nutrients. These raw fruits are available for a very limited period of time from March to June in summer. In India, the fruits of thiis plant (berries) are used as a vegetable, raw, cooked, or pickled.

Selection Guide

Select the fruits that are firm to touch and green in color as it indicates freshness. Avoid teh fruits that have dark spots or blemishes.

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