
Usage Tips

  1. Hard boiled eggs can be added to salads, sandwiches, pasta, toasts, and grain bowls.


Hard boiled eggs are the eggs that are boiled in its shell until the whole of the inside is solid, the egg white and egg yolk both solidify. It may take 9-15 minutes, depending on the size of the eggs.

Health benefits

  • Hard boiled eggs contain good fats called monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, that stabilize blood cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart diseases.(1)
  • They are high in protein that not only helps to build muscle mass but also helps repair all tissues in the body.(1)
  • They provide vitamin A which is good for eye health. It absorbs light in retinas, protects membranes around the cornea and also lessens the risk of night blindness.(1)
  • Vitamin D in them promotes the absorption of calcium and regulates calcium levels in the blood, keeping the bones and teeth strong.(1)

Selection Guide

Use eggs that are 7-10 days old to hard boil as they peel easily.  

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