
Technical Name : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis


Taste Profile

It has a tart taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Hibiscus can be used to make tea that can be served hot or cold.
  2. It can be added to candies and used as a garnish for desserts.

Common names and forms

  1. Hibiscus Flower
  2. Hibiscus Flower (Cut)
  3. Hibiscus Rosa
  4. Organic Hibiscus Flowers
  5. Organic Hibiscus Petals


Hibiscus is an ancient flowering plant that has beautiful yellow and red flowers. It is a medicinal plant with a worldwide fame and has more than three hundred species which are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.  The plant is also known for its Beta carotene, vitamin C, protein and total sugar. Roselle, having various medically important compounds called photochemical, is well known for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Several scientific studies demonstrate the health benefits of consuming beverages containing hibiscus. Different extracts from Roselle plays a crucial role in treating different medical problems including many cardiovascular disorders, helminthic disease and cancer. The plant also acts as an antioxidant and is used in obesity management.


While some research studies suggested that hibiscus is a native plant of West Africa and from there it was carried to other parts of the world such as Asia and America, whereas in others opinion it originated from India and Saudi Arabia

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