Homemade Bori

Also Known As : Bengali bori, bodi


Common names and forms

  1. Homemade Bori ( sundried lentil dumplings)


A Bengali bori or bodi made is with masoor dal works as an excellent addition to vegetables and even fish curries. It is basically a form of dried lentil dumplings popular in Bengali cuisine. It is made from a paste of urad dal and winter melon which is sun-dried for 3–5 days. Once fully dried, it can easily last for about a year. The paste is laid out by hand on a mat in the sunlight. It sticks to the mat while wet but when the bori dries completely it can easily come off. In its simplest form bori takes the conical shape naturally occurring due to the way the paste is laid out. Bori can be fried and eaten as a snack or can be added to fish or vegetable dishes to enhance taste and to add variety. When fried it becomes crispy is taken directly along with meals or added to the curry for enhancement of tastes & food value.

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