
Technical Name : Armoracia rusticana


Taste Profile

It has hot, spicy and peppery taste.

Usage Tips

  1. It can be used in sandwiches, wraps and salad dressings.
  2. It can also be used in making creamed horseradish sauce.

Common names and forms

  1. Seiyo wasabi


Horseradish belongs to the family of broccoli and cabbage. This large white root vegetable is used as a spice.

Health benefits

  • It helps in curing toothache and strengthening gums.(1)
  • It also treats nasal infections.(1)
  • Potassium present in it helps to manage blood pressure.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose horseradish that have firm roots and no molds.


People with kidney problems should avoid horseradish as it can increase urine flow.(2)

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