Indian Madder

Also Known As : Manjistha
Technical Name : Rubia cordifolia


Usage Tips

  1. Indian Madder fruit can be eaten raw.
  2. Its leaves can be cooked as served as a side dish with rice.

Common names and forms

  1. Manjistha


Indian Madder is a species of flowering plant which belong to coffee family, Rubiaceae. It is climbing herb with rhizomatous base and root. It has small flowers with yellow petals and reddish black color, fruity and fleshy berries.

Health benefits

  • Indian Madder helps in removing toxins from body and acts as a blood purifier.(1)
  • It helps in healing wounds fast.(1)
  • It contains calcium which helps in treating calcium deficiency.(1)
  • It helps in relieving skin problems like eczema, psoriasis.(1)
  • It contains properties which help in treating benign and malignant tumors.(1)
  • It helps in treating ulcers.(1)

Selection Guide

Check for proper packaging and the expiry date of Indian madder.


Indian Madder is very harmful for pregnant women as it can cause menstrual periods causing miscarriages. It may also cause birth defects in children. It is not good for lactating mothers as it may turn the breast milk red and harmful for the nursing baby.(2)

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