Java Plum

Also Known As : Black plum, Duhat, Jambolan, Rose apple, Jamun
Technical Name : Syzygium cumini


Taste Profile

Java plum is astringent, sour and sweet in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Java plums can be made into sauces, wine, jams and vinegar.
  2. It can be used as toppings in puddings, pastries, cakes and custards.
  3. Java plum is highly perishable and it can be stored not more than 2 days at room temperature.
  4. Java plum can be consumed raw.
  5. It can be used to prepare jamun flavour ice cream, yogurts, syrups, smoothies and squashes.

Common names and forms

  1. Jamun deseeded
  2. Jamun Fruit
  3. Real Kala Jamun (Black Plum)


Java plum is an evergreen tree which can grow up to twelve feet wide and one hundred feet tall. Its green leaves are shiny, broad, long, and have a smooth feel. They are ovoid shaped edible berries, which are green in color and turns deep purplish to black when it is fully mature. Java plum has a dry quality and is light to digest. It bear flowers in april-june and fruits in june-july. Java plum is native to India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and the Andaman Islands. There is seed inside the java plum. When the seed is removed from the java plum , it is termed as deseeded java plum or deseeded Jamun.

Health benefits

  • Regular consumption of java plum will help with high blood pressure, as it contains notable levels of potassium, which is a vasodilator and also helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks.(1)
  • There is a good amount of vitamin C and other antioxidants in java plum, that can help to stimulate the production of white blood cells and increase the strength of the immune system.(1)
  • Vitamin A, vitamin E, and other antioxidants present in java plum can help to improve the appearance of the skin by reducing oxidative stress and lowering inflammation levels.(1)
  • Java plums contains anthocyanin, kaempferol and ellagic acid which is very efficacious to help the circulation of digestion and intestinal function.(2)
  • They contain a variety of nutrients that are essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.(2)

Selection Guide

Choose the java plum which is soft, pulpy and dark purple in color. Always avoid buying the shrunk and very hard textured or the under riped ones.


Consumption of jamun fruit can be dangerous for people taking diabetes medicines as it lowers blood sugar level in the body. It must also be avoided by those with history of blood clots as it may cause blood clots. Excessive consumption of jamun fruit can also cause body aches, cough, fever and congestion.(3) Avoid the use of java plum during pregnancy and breast feeding.(4)

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