Kaffir Lime Leaves

Technical Name : Citrus hystrix


Taste Profile

They have a citrus taste.

Common names and forms

  1. Aromatic lime leaves
  2. Lime leaves


Kaffir lime is a citrus fruit native to tropical Southeast Asia and southern China, grown for its fruits and leaves used in Southeast Asian cuisines. Kaffir lime leaves are thick, dark-green, double lobed leaves(two leaves at the end of each stem). They are shiny on one side, and pale-colored and porous on the other. They are highly aromatic and are considered as a key ingredient in Thai cooking and other Southeast Asian cuisines.

Health benefits

  • Kaffir lime leaves have intense citrus aroma that can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue from sickness.(1)
  • They are good for oral hygiene and can protect bad breath.(1)
  • They have antibacterial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria on wounds to promote healing.(1)
  • The essential oil in the leaves have anti-inflammatory effects that can help to reduce the formation of acne. It also reduces the development of scars and blemishes.(1)
  • They also act as anti-dandruff and anti-lice on hair.(1)

Selection Guide

Kaffir lime leaves are available fresh, dried and frozen. While buying fresh leaves, go for dark green, shiny leaves without any browning or yellowing.


Those who are allergic to limes must avoid kaffir lime leaves as they may cause allergic reactions. Consumption of kaffir lime leaves may cause rashes and dry mouth. Their other side effects include vomiting, nausea, heartburn, hives and digestive issues.(2)

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