
Also Known As : German turnip
Technical Name : Brassica oleracea


Taste Profile

Kohlrabi has mild sweet flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Kohlrabi can be prepared as a vegetable.
  2. It can be added to salads.


Kohlrabi is a biennial vegetable that belongs to cabbage family. It is grown for its turnip shaped edible portion which can be white, purple or green in color with a creamy white flesh.

Health benefits

  • Kohlrabi is rich in fiber and helps in regulating bowel movements.(1)
  • It has anti-cancer properties that prevents formation of cancer cells in the body.(1)
  • It contains antioxidants that prevent cells from oxidative damage.(1)
  • It helps to control spikes in blood sugar level.(1)
  • It is a good source of iron and folate that helps to prevent anemia.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose large, fresh and light green colored kohlrabi. Avoid if it has cuts or ruptures.

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