
Usage Tips

  1. Kulcha is then eaten with any Indian curry. In particular, a spicy chickpea curry known as chole is the dish of choice for being eaten with kulcha.

Common names and forms

  1. For Kulcha stuffing
  2. Kulcha bread
  3. Wheat Flour Kulchas


Kulcha is a type of mildly leavened flatbread that originated in the Indian subcontinent. Kulcha is made from maida flour, even from wheat flour, water, a pinch of salt and a leavening agent (yeast or old kulcha dough), mixed together by hand to make a very tight dough. This dough is covered with a wet cloth and left to stand for an hour or so in a warm place. The result is a slight leavening of the flour but not much. The flour is pummelled again by hand and then rolled out using a rolling pin into a flat, round shape. t is one of the favorite breakfast choices for the local population of Amritsar. A range of stuffings, including paneer (cottage cheese), potatoes, onion and other vegetables are used to stuff these kulchas. When kulchas are made out of wheat flour, they are called as wheat flour kulchas.

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