
Taste Profile

It has a strong lemon flavor

Usage Tips

  1. It is extensively used as a flavoring in baked goods, beverages and ice creams.
  2. It adds a strong flavor to desserts and sauces.
  3. It can be used to add flavors in pies, pancakes, puddings, syrups and chutneys.
  4. It should be stored in dark colored bottles away from the sunlight.


Lemon essence is the flavor of concentrated lemons that is extracted onto the base of alcohol or synthesized artificially using chemical compounds. It is not a true natural flavor but a mimic of those flavors. It is because of a few chemical components that carry a bulk of taste and smell which when entering a person’s nose give a strong flavor and aroma of lemon.

Selection Guide

While buying a lemon essence make sure that it falls under the prescribed International standards. Do not forget to check the use-by date to ensure freshness of the essence.

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