
Taste Profile

It is sweet and juicy in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. It is used in preparation of beverages and desserts to add litchi flavour.


It is the delicate white flesh or pulp of the litchi fruit that has jelly like texture and floral fragrance. It is obtained by peeling the thin outer layer of the fruit and removing the inedible seed from it.

Health benefits

  • Litchi Pulp is a good source of vitamins and minerals.(1)
  • It helps in better digestion and treats digestive issues.(1)
  • It boosts immunity in the body and helps to fight against diseases and infections.(1)
  • It improves blood circulation in the body.(1)
  • It helps to prevent blood vessels rupture.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose the pulp which is more juicy and sweet. It adds better flavour.


Consumption of Litchi Pulp can cause hormonal imbalance, fever or infection . Pregnant and breastfeeding women must avoid as it can cause hemorrhage and infection and may also harm the baby.(2)

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