Long Bean Leaves

Also Known As : Sitaw leaves
Technical Name : Vigna unguiculate


Taste Profile

They offer a green flavor that is same as arugula with mild citrus undertones.

Usage Tips

  1. They can be used in curries, stir-fries, and soups.
  2. They can also be consumed raw or used for sautéing, steaming, or stir-frying.


Long Bean Leaves are medium to large in size and are oblong with a little bit tapered shape. The green leaves of Long bean are smooth, crinkled, and floppy and they grow on long fibrous green stems. They are produced in triplets, which is referred to as trifoliate leaves. Their plants are an annual vine that is well-known for their long bean pods that can grow to be 35-75 centimeters in length and typically hang in clusters.

Health benefits

  • Long bean leaves are an excellent source of vitamins B2 which reduces blood pressure.(1)
  • They contain Vitamin C which boosts immunity.(1)
  • Iron present in Long bean leaves improves appetite.(1)
  • They also contain vitamin A that boosts eye sight.(1)
  • Long bean leaves contain calcium that prevent kidney stones.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for those leaves that are dark green in color, without black spots, and not wilted.

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