Taste Profile

It has a sweet and nutty taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Malt can be used to make beverages.
  2. It can also be used to make breads.
  3. It can be used as a flavouring agent in desserts as well.

Common names and forms

  1. Malt Flour
  2. Malted wheat flour


Malt is a germinated cereal grain that is used in brewing and distilling. It is made by soaking the grain in water and then drying in a hot oven. It is even grounded to obtain a powdered form which is known as malt flour. It is rich in diastase. Application of malt flour in the food industry is in bread making where it is added to wheat flour. Malt is even used in the production of beer, whisky and other alcoholic drinks. 

Health benefits

  • Malt contains prebiotics which helps to improve immune system, regulate cholesterol levels and increase nutrient absorption.(1)
  • It contains hordenine which stimulates good mood and improves mental health.(1)

Selection Guide

Make sure there is no moisture present in the grains which are chosen to make malt as it can affect in the brewing process.

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