Malted Barley Flour


Taste Profile

It has a mild sweet, nut-like flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Malted barley flour can be used to prepare barley breads and other breads like flat bread and yeast breads. It can be used in baking in combination with wheat flour. It can also be used as a thickener for gravies, stews and soups.

Common names and forms

  1. Barley Malt Powder


Malted Barley Flour is prepared from barley malt(barley undergone malting process). Malting process includes partial germination, also called sprouting followed by hot-air drying to stop germination. The malted barley grains are steam-dried, hulled, then ground and sifted to produce flour. Malted barley flour has two types, diastatic(the one that has the active enzymes in it) and non-diastatic(the one that has no active enzymes in it). It can be used in combination to wheat flour to make softer, moister food products than would wheat flour alone.

Selection Guide

Look for 100% pure, diastatic Malted barley flour, suitable for both cooking and baking.

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