
Also Known As : Mandarine (German), mandarine (French), mandarina (Spanish), mandarino (Italian), tangerine (Portuguese)
Technical Name : Citrus reticulata


Taste Profile

Mandarin oranges are sweet to taste

Usage Tips

  1. These oranges can be utilized in fruit salads, gelatins, puddings or on cakes.
  2. The essential oil of Mandarin peels is expressed and used commercially in flavoring hard candy, gelatins, ice cream, chewing gum and bakery goods.
  3. Mandarin essential oil paste is used as a standard flavoring for carbonated beverages.
  4. This fruit can be eaten raw, incorporated into desserts or made into a sauce and drizzled over seafood.
  5. Store mandarins at room temperature, away from direct sunshine.
  6. Mandarins can last for up to two weeks when refrigerated.

Common names and forms

  1. Mandarin Bits
  2. Mandarin Orange Juice made from concentrate
  3. Mandarin Orange Segments


Mandarin is a name for a class of bright-colored oranges with thin and loose peel. These oranges are also called "kid-glove" oranges. The mandarin orange is considered a native of south-eastern Asia and the Philippines. It is most widely grown in Japan, southern China, and India. Mandarin oranges fall into three broad categories namely: Mandarin, Tangerine, and Satsuma. These are further divided into sub categories. Mandarin includes Changsa, Le-dar, Emperor, Oneco, and Willow-leaf. Tangerine oranges includes Clementine, Cleopatra, Dancy, Ponkan, Robinson, and Sunburst varieties while Owari, Wase and Kara fall under Satsuma category.

Health benefits

  • Mandarin oranges have excellent contents of carotenoids and limonene which have anti-cancer effects. These compounds help to prevent the onset of breast and liver cancer. (1) 
  • These oranges contain a high level of Vitamin C. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and fights against the unstable molecules called free radicals in the body. This prevents damage to the cells and enables normal activity. (1) 
  • Mandarin oranges produce synephrine which curbs the production of cholesterol in the body. They also combat the free radicals that oxidize the cholesterol which makes the cholesterol to stick to the artery walls. This helps in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. (1) 
  • These oranges are a storehouse of fiber. Fiber plays a vital role in weight loss. It has the ability to absorb water and swell up which gives a feeling of fullness and automatically decreases appetite. (2) 
  • Being rich in folic acid (a vitamin B complex), mandarins also benefit the developing fetus. Folic acid is very important for the development of the neural tube and red blood cells in the fetus that is in its prenatal phase. This prevents the onset of neural tube defects. (2)   

Selection Guide

Choose mandarins that have glossy skin and feel heavy for their size. Avoid those with soft and brown spots or other visible damage to the skin.


Mandarins are a storehouse of Vitamin C. Excessive ingestion of vitamin C can lead to acid reflux due to its acidic nature thus causing an irritating sensation in the food pipe. (2)

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