Maraschino Cherries


Taste Profile

These are sweet and sour in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Maraschino cherries can be used for garnishing in cocktails, ice creams, frozen yogurts, cakes, pastries and milkshakes.


Maraschino cherries are sweetened cherries that are preserved in a syrup or liqueur distilled from the same cherries.

Health benefits

  • Maraschino cherries provides small amounts of calcium and potassium.(1)
  • They also contain vitamin A and vitamin K.(1)
  • Maraschino cherries have iron, magnesium and zinc also.(1)
  • These cherries are healthy source of vitamin C and fibre.(1)


Maraschino cherries can cause respiratory issues, liver disease and skin rashes due to calcium chloride and sulphur dioxide present in it. Maraschino cherries can also cause tooth decay.(2)

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