Montmorency Red Tart Cherries


Taste Profile

They have a sweet, tart taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Montmorency Red Tart Cherries can be used in cherry pies.
  2. They can be used for making jams and preserves.
  3. In their dried form, they can be tossed in porridges, yogurt and salads.


Montmorency Red Tart Cherries are a variety of large sour cherries that are grown in Canada, France, and the United States. They have a deep red color due to the concentration of anthocyanins (red pigment) in them. They are harvested in summer but are available year-round.

Health benefits

  • Montmorency Red Tart Cherries are a good source of dietary fibre that helps to regulate bowel movements and prevent diabetes and high blood cholesterol levels.(1)
  • Vitamin C in them helps to support bone health, skin, and immune system.(1)
  • They contain good amount of vitamin A that prevents eye disorders like cataracts or age-related macular degeneration.(1)
  • They contain flavonoids like anthocyanins that help to prevent ulcers, osteoporosis, infections and digestive problems.(1)

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