Multigrain Flour


Usage Tips

  1. Multigrain Flour can be used to prepare chapatis, chillas and pranthas. It can also be made into multigrain cakes and pancakes, breads, buns, neer dosai, ladoo, chips and baked crackers, as a replacement to white flour or wheat flour.

Common names and forms

  1. Multi Grain Flour Mix


Multigrain Flour is a mix of two to three or more flours in optimum proportions. It is made with multiple types of grain that includes wheat, jowar, bajra, ragi, soya, channa, oat, maize and psyllium husk. It can contain any combination of grains milled to flour. It is considered as a healthy alternative to regular flour as these grains infuse vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre to the diet. It can be used as a replacement to regular wheat flour.

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