
Also Known As : Abjosh


Taste Profile

It has sweet taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Munakka can be eaten as it is or added to desserts, puddings and ice creams.
  2. It is a great ingredient for trail mixes or for granola.

Common names and forms

  1. Abjosh


Munakka is basically a variety of grapes that are dehydrated or dried . There are two types of munakka, seedless and seeded. It is one of the most famous dry fruits of india.

Health benefits

  • Munakka contain iron and is a good source of Polyphenolic that is good for eye health as it protects from cataracts, glaucoma and night blindness.(1)
  • Munakka is beneficial for those who want to gain weight as it is rich source of natural sugars sucrose and glucose.(1)
  • It is beneficial for dental health also as it protects teeth from cavities, tooth decay and gum problems.(1)
  • It contains antioxidants and flavonoids which prevents cancer.(1)
  • It is a good source of potassium which treats hypertension.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for fresh and moist munakka. Avoid if it is shriveled or hardened.


Munakka may cause nausea, dizziness, indigestion and high blood pressure. Those who take blood thinning medicine should consult their doctor before consuming munakka.(2)

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"Information here is provided for discussion and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or product or ingredient review/rating. The information may not apply to you and before you use or take any action, you should contact the manufacturer, seller, medical, dietary, fitness or other professional. If you utilize any information provided here, you do so at your own risk and you waive any right against Culinary Communications Private Limited, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees or representatives.”