
Also Known As : ‘Khumbi’ in Hindi, ‘Puttagodugulu’ in Telugu, ‘Kaalan’ in Tamil, ‘Koon’ in Malayalam, ‘Nayikode’ in Kannada, ‘Khumb’ in Marathi, ‘Banger Chataa’ in Bengali.
Technical Name : Agaricus bisporus


Taste Profile

It has a woodsy flavor that becomes stronger with cooking

Usage Tips

  1. Mushrooms can be eaten frozen, dried, whole, diced or sliced in various cuisines like soups, sauté vegetables, pasta, sandwiches, vegetable curries, pizzas, omelets, grilled veggies, wraps and rolls etc.
  2. Microwave cooking and grilling are the best ways to cook mushrooms without slashing their antioxidant power.
  3. The best way to store mushrooms for a long period of time is in paper bags. Avoid direct storage in crisper as it can be too moist for it.
  4. They can also be grilled and can also be used as fillings in sandwiches and tortillas. They are commonly used as part of pizza toppings.
  5. Mushrooms should be kept away from other foods with strong flavors or odors as mushrooms will absorb the flavour and odour.


Mushrooms belong to a group of edible fungus that provides a range of important nutrients. The origin of the cultivation of mushrooms is dated back to 1650 in France when some market gardeners observed the development of edible fungi when covering the mount’s dung with sand. There are various varieties of mushrooms currently available in the market. Of all the varieties, button mushroom holds the maximum share production followed by shiitake and oyster mushrooms respectively. Other varieties include portobello, cremini, enoki, maitake , chanterelle, beech, porcini and wild mushrooms. China, which is the largest producer of mushroom in the World, holds the position for maximum consumption as well. In India, the major producing states are Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.

Health benefits

  • Mushrooms are a good source of selenium that has anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory potential, which helps in reducing the risk of cancer, heart diseases, thyroid disease, and cognitive decline. (1)
  • The amount of fiber, lean protein, and enzymes present in mushrooms helps in balancing the levels of cholesterol between LDL (bad) cholesterol and HDL (good) cholesterol. Thus it protects against cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.(1)
  • Ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant present in mushrooms, is very effective in providing protection from free radicals as well as boosting the immune system. It also helps to eliminate free radicals, which are dangerous compounds released during the metabolic processes of cells. (1)
  • Mushrooms have a lot of nutritional value with few calories and little fat. They also contain two types of dietary fibers, beta-glucans, and chitin, which increase satiety and reduce appetite. Thus, mushrooms are a good choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight. (2) 
  • Mushrooms are a rich source of antioxidants (ergothioneine and glutathione) which may also help prevent Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. (2)

Selection Guide

Choose mushrooms that appear firm, colored and have tightly closed caps. Make sure no spots or rots are there on the skin.


Mushrooms are a good source of beta-glucans which can stimulate immune functions. Thus, people with autoimmune diseases like arthritis, lupus, asthma and multiple sclerosis should avoid consuming it. (3)

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