Natural Ginger Flavour


Taste Profile

It has a mild sweet yet pungent, spicy with ginger undertones.

Usage Tips

  1. Natural Ginger Flavour can be used to flavour baked goods, confectioneries, icecreams, chocolates, yogurts and beverages.


Natural Ginger Flavour is a natural flavoring agent obtained by the solvent extraction of ground dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe. It is a reddish-brown powder with an aroma characteristic of ginger, high water-soluble. It is also available as a liquid ginger essence extracted from ginger root. It is used for cooking, baking, and desserts.

Selection Guide

Natural Ginger Flavour is available as liquid or powder. Choose as it suits your requirements. Make sure it is free from artificial flavorings and sweeteners. Also, check for its "use-by" date on the packaging.

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