Neem Patta

Also Known As : Indian lilac
Technical Name : Azadirachta indica


Taste Profile

It has bitter and aromatic taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Neem patta can be eaten raw.
  2. It can be used in curries and can also be added to salads.

Common names and forms

  1. Azadirachta Indica Lf. Pdr.
  2. Neem Leaves


Neem patta are vibrant green leaves that are smooth and medium to large in size with sharp edges that grow on the branches of the neem tree.

Health benefits

  • Neem patta has antiviral properties that can treat warts, chickenpox and smallpox.(1)
  • These are excellent for regulating high blood sugar levels.(1)
  • These are also helpful in detoxification and fight free radicals in the body.(1)
  • Neem patta are also good to treat fungal infections of skin, hair and nails.(1)
  • These are effective in treating malaria, cancer and arthritis.(1)
  • Neem patta is beneficial for skin as it can cure acne, moisturise skin and tone the skin.(1)


Neem patta should not be consumed by those who have stomach related diseases, liver and kidney diseases. Neem patta can be toxic to these patients.(2)

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