
Also Known As : Santra, Loose-Skinned Orange, European Mandarin, Mandarin, Maltese Orange, Mandarin Orange, Sasutma, Suntara Orange, Sasutma Orange, Tangerine, Swatow Tangerine, True Mandarin, Tangerine Orange, Satsuma, Citrus Species
Technical Name : Citrus sinensis


Taste Profile

Oranges have a sweet-tart taste

Usage Tips

  1. Oranges can be consumed raw as fruits.
  2. It can be added as slices to puddings, custards and desserts.
  3. Oranges can be converted to juices both strained and fresh.
  4. It can be use to make jams, jellies and marmalades at home.
  5. Oranges can be stored at room temperature, in the refrigerator without plastic bags or in the crisper drawer for up to 2 weeks.

Common names and forms

  1. Crushed Oranges
  2. Natural Orange
  3. Orange flakes
  4. Orange Fruit
  5. Orange Pulp
  6. Orange segments
  7. Orange slice
  8. Oranges
  9. Real wild orange peel


Oranges are among the world's most popular fruits, as they’re both tasty and nutritious. They are a round, segmented citrus fruit with a pitted peel. It consists of several easily separated sections, each containing several seeds and many juice cells, covered by a leathery skin. They grow on orange trees (Citrus x sinensis) and belong to a large group of fruits known as citrus fruits. The taste varies from juicy and sweet to bitter, depending on the variety. Some of the common varieties include Valencia, Seville, and Hamlin. Most oranges are available year-round, except for the varieties like blood oranges, which have a shorter season. Today, oranges are grown in most warm regions of the world and consumed either fresh or as juice.

Health benefits

  • Oranges are an excellent source of Vitamin C and A. This has great benefits for eye health and reduces the risk of cataracts, promoting healthy ocular blood vessels and slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration. (1) 
  • Being high in fiber, oranges it slows down the digestion process which helps to feel fuller for a longer duration of time. This helps to naturally cut down the appetite and promotes weight loss. (1) 
  • Citrus limonoids—a compound found in oranges has cancer-fighting capabilities. It holds the ability to combat cancers of the lung, breast, stomach, colon, skin, and mouth. (1) 
  • An antioxidant compound found in oranges called hesperidin may help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. (2) 
  • Oranges are mainly composed of carbohydrates and water. With their low GI values, it helps to moderate the rise in blood sugar levels. (3) 
  • Oranges are a good source of potassium. A high intake of potassium can lower blood pressure in people who already have high levels and may reduce your risk of heart disease. (3) 

Selection Guide

Look for fruits that are firm and heavy for size, with bright and colorful skins. Skin color is not a good guide to quality as fruits may be ripe even though they may have green spots. Avoid fruits with bruised, wrinkled or discolored skins.


Because oranges are high-acid food, it can contribute to heartburn, especially for those who already suffer from heartburn regularly. People who are taking beta-blockers (used to treat high blood pressure) should not consume too many oranges as they are high in potassium. (4)

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